Friday, May 1, 2009

For perspective...

There seems to be a pattern developing in my life. I feel great for a couple days, meh for a day or so, and some days, usually fridays, I become an emotional monster, so look out! I make mountains out of molehills and I feel terrible for the people I subject my headaches to. I suppose studying for finals (why is it that I study so hard for so long and still hardly get anywhere, when many can study for an hour, or sometimes not at all, and they get just as good grades as I do?) and the whole immenant biggest change of my life thing doesn't help the whole emotions thing.
Feelings I should be feeling aren't there and vic versa. Feelings are overrated, but unavoidable and that is annoying.

Things I love(in no particular order): God, family, education, friends, letters, emails, facebook notifications, music, clarinet, scriptures, Jesus Christ, trees, photography, camping, the sun being warm, laying on the grass in the sun being warm, computer, Presdient Thomas S. Monson, general conference, beds/pillows, fire, talking to people until all hours of the morning, weddings, baby blessings, family get-togethers, money security in a time of economic struggle, working headphones, Hot Chocolate, Ice Cream, Writing, Reading, peace, epiphanies, UTA/public be continued...

It's amazing what perspective can do....Back to Mozart, Hayden and Peroglesi...

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