Saturday, May 9, 2009

For the finished...

My Jounior year at the U is finished. That's right, things have wrapped up and tied with a bow to remember for the rest of my life. I'm feeling extremely nostalgic right now.
I'm not usually one for regrets. I find regrets pointless because it's not like you can go back and change it now. I mean take what you learn from it and move on. I have loved and hated this year both. The adjusting to the change of enviorment opened my eyes to how much I don't know. Sometimes I unfortunately regretting how I lived my life this past year. Not that I regret my friends or experiences at all, but simply that I didn't experience more. I didn't go out of my way to break out of my shell as much as I could've and as a result I probably missed out on some wonderful friendships and experiences. But like I said, taking what I learned into the future and moving, that will not be happening again. I loved the past year and I have found puzzle pieces to my life in the people and experiences I have been able to have. Blossoming under Kathy Pope's instruction, experiencing the wonderful bands of Bishop Allen, The Decemberists and Lavender Diamond, amazing dedicated friends, turning in my mission papers, the firm decision that I want to teach, the amazing education with amazing teachers, drawing closer to my family, going through the on and so forth. It's been a wonderful year, and I'm sorry to those who had to put up with my spirits of not so wonderfulness.
"Every person in this world knows something that you don't know..." This was a small part of a speech given at commencment yesterday. She was inspiring and I loved this thought. I'm going to learn all I can from the people I come in contact with.
I leave for my mission in 33 days! What a scary thought. The following month is full of packing, playing and studying and I'm supra excited to finally get going. It almost seems surreal, like I've waited so long for it and I can't even comprehend I'll be gone for a year and half. That's a long time. But I'll be arriving in Phoenix on June 30th and will be there so obviously I won't dissappear from off the face of the earth. Thank goodness for letters! *hint hint*
I had to say goodbye to a couple really good friends yesterday. Goodbyes are extremely hard for me, so I'm not sure how i'll handle the farewell thing...probably bawl. which is bad because becasue I don't really want peolple to remember me red eyed and puffy faced for the next year and a half. Hopefully I can keep my tear ducts in check.
I know a few people are putting on brave faces for my sake and that my leaving isn't a happy thing, family friends and such, but they all support me so much. I appreciate their enthusiasm on my behalf even if they are struggling. I'd just like to say Please do not dwell on the past and forget what amazing things lay ahead of them in the future if they are willing to go for it. We went to Settebello's and had a great time eatign the most delicious pizza on the planet. I said goodbye to dear Jim, who I know I'll see again in several years. I'm so proud of him. (Ultimate nostalgic song ever = "Time of your life" by Green Day...i don't actually think it's called that but it's what I call it.) after, I went to Sam's hiking portion of her party which was pretty fun becuase there was lots of snow in the mountains. What could be cooler then snowball fights in May? We didn't actually make it to the falls cause of the snow, but it was fun none the less. We all migrated to sam's house for more pizza, junk food and fun games. John Allred, a really well known local singer, whom sam loves, showed up and it pretty much made her night. An intense game of apples to apples ensued and it was wonderful. "Lucious, smart, fragrant, Glamorous, Crazed and Chunky." this is what Apples to Apples sees me as. It was probably one of the msot halarious games of that game I've ever played. We finally made it back to my house and at one in the morning, (a whole 19 and a half hours after i woke up) I was finally able to fall into bed and sleep. It was glorious.
Anyway, I must finish curling my hair...why do i put myself through this? Idk...
See you soon!

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