Sunday, September 23, 2012

for the broken hearted....

This entry will be a work in progress.  A compilation of what struggles and heartaches can do for a soul. 

Feelings hurt.  Hurting isn't bad, it just means it hurts.  Sometimes a lot.  And Sometimes you have no one else to blame but yourself for those hurts or event the hurts of others. 

The wonderful news, though, is that we don't have to blame.  That thankfully, Someone has already paid for those and sincere repentence and changes will help our broken hearts more easily be filled with love and happiness and hope. 

Many successes have come from this past week.  I comprehend how much Heavenly Father is there for me and how His Son Jesus Christ can and will heal all pain.  I'm learning a lot about understanding and accepting and doing God's will, how our agency is key in this plan, even as much as I don't want to have to make difficult decisions, like, ever.   I made one this week, and I will continue to make them, no matter what others decide to do.

I decide that other peoples weaknesses or short comings do not determine my happiness.    Just because someone else wears this or does that or says whatever dosen't make them any less valued in Heavenly Father's eyes, nor do they have any less of a right to be on this earth struggling as I do.

This is the hardest thing I've been through.  Hands down.  I hope it opens my heart to a little bit more love.  I hope you all know how I love you.