Sunday, January 25, 2009

for the creative soul...

So once upon a time, I was out of my mind and joined a college creative writing class....this is the beginning of my story.

A sigh escaped Chloe’s lips as her wide emerald-green eyes stared into the seawater blueness of her tropical fish tank. Chin resting heavily on her folded arms, slowly rotating back and forth on the swivel chair underneath her, Chloe considered how remarkably similar her life was to the life of that bright yellow tropical angel fish, now making its 57th lap of the day (Chloe had counted).
She blinked, on the verge of slumber, attempting to push aside the stress of her overwhelmingly long “to do” list, avoiding the inevitable. The notebook grasped under Chloe’s folded arms never left her sight, for it contained her logically sequenced life clearly—numbered and in nice, neat cursive.
Peeling her eyes from the hypnotizing circular path of her fish, she glanced at the clock to her left, over her orderly bed and book shelves. “8:23 already?” she muttered. Rolling her eyes, she twisted out of her swivel desk chair, allowing it to spin slowly to a stop on its own, swinging her backpack over her right shoulder. As she did, she noticed for the first time numbness in her left arm. “Great!” She thought, as her heart pumped rushing blood back into her arm, tingles and pins and all.

I am starting to think I'm not so bad at this. And even if I am and don't know, it was darn fun!

Friday, January 16, 2009

for the unhelpful...

I am home on a friday night, in my pjs, wishing I could find my check book and I'm having a feeling this will be happening a lot more from tonight on. Not the wishing I could find my check book part. You know what I mean.
I made it through my first week of school and I think I'm going to be enjoying this semester's classes immensely. Music History I already find amazing as we have been exploring the wonderful music of Palestrina and I have to say, we don't give him enough credit. He composed some stunningly beautiful pieces. My creative writing teacher, while a little ecentric will definitely do some good things for me, I think. If anything, I'll definitely be out of my comfort zone. Good thing, right? Wind Ensemble is everything I had hoped! Also out of my comfort bubble, becuase I am very exposed, even as a third clarinet. Scott Hagan has a lot of good instruction to offer and I'm excited to be part of such a talented group/section.
The U of U marching Utes are leaving for DC tomorrow at night at midnight. Or would that be considered sunday morning? *shrug* that seems surreal, almost like it's just a dream. We've been campaigning for this oppirtunity for the past week and had an astounding response from the community with support that I didn't even know existed for the band! Heck, we even got free backpacks!
I'm hoping for a call from the flower patch to get a temporary job. I had a job interview with them today and thought it went very well. It would be nice to have some sort of income. Cross your fingers for me!
Frustration is annoying! Knowing that ultimately, I can't do anything to change someones mind about what they seems I'm making little difference where I am, and I really am frustarted with that. I see so many people around me who are hurting and I want to help, but feel unhelpful! Hurting more than helping it seems.
I really dislike that I have nothing more interesting to say and a more interesting way to say what's already been said...
I hope everyone is doing alright, and making it with whatever situation life may be handing them. Thank you for your examples and friendship:-) I mean it when I say I love you.

Until next time, wish the band luck in DC!

Monday, January 12, 2009

for the first day back...

First day of classes? Completed!

Fundraising for DC? Going swimmingly, but we are still needing some help! ( GO UTES!

Letter and pictures from a dear friend? Check!

People should not have to apologize for caring....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

for the old friends and the new...

School starts tomorrow! I'm excited to not have my brain be turning to mush anymore. I'm excited for the oppirtunities this semester has in store! We, the U of U marching band, are (hopefully) headed off to DC in a week ready for some fun at the presidental inaugaration parade! Also, I am part of a wonderful music group, Wind Ensemble and several exciting things are happening in that department, but personally, I'm just happy to be IN it period.

I have not been this happy in a long time. Randomly, my dear cousin Ember drove down yesterday to take me up to Logan. I didn't know what I was getting myself into! We headed out to see my sister Clarissa and played a goofy but oddly very fun game called settler's. Next was the part I was most worried about, but it turned out to be great. We went to a former boyfriend's apartment. He has just started at USU as a chemistry major. I know most can relate to the awkward "seeing the ex" thing, and for those of you who can't, that's okay. Imagine my surprise when we turned out to get along great, just like old friends.
Seeing Karyn for the first time since, well, forever, was a quite joyous experience. You can ask anyone within a mile radius because I am pretty sure we burst some eardrums. There were almost tears, but once the game of Quelf started rolling(if you have never played this game, basically, you must), laughter was constant! New friendships were formed, and old bonds were made stronger, and the medicine of laughter worked it's magic, for more then just me.
A bit of guilt comes with the next statment. I sometimes wished I had choosen USU over Univeristy of Utah. I know, I know! Blasphamy right? If anyone has ever heard me talk about my snow college years, they know how dear to my heart they are, and USU has the atmosphere of snow. Now, I just want to say, I do not regret my deicison to go to the U, becuase, I know I was meant to be meant to be there. I learned so much about the world and have formed life long friendships that I would never trade. But for the record, I am considering a transfer when I return from my planned mission. Just a thought....

Anyway, my five fourty five alarm will come too soon as it is, so I should turn in. I hope everyone's life is going well.

I am honest when I say I am here for you all!

Reporting from Plain City, sleep well.

Friday, January 9, 2009

for the college student

As you already know--you being the one follower I currently have--job hunting was less than succesful today. If I spoke spanish, I'd be a shoe in! Too bad.... I might just have to break down and apply at Harmons, the grocer in YOUR neighborhood. Yikes!

I have been doing the college thing for two and a half, almost three years and I love its ups and downs, but I suppose the expense had to catch up to me sometime. Thank goodness for loving parents and scholarship money! Even so, I need a job because my bank account is running on fumes. If any of you...being just one currently...have any suggestions, they would be much appreciated.

I have a good life. Actually, a really good life, though it is not without a bit of heartache and struggles. But then again, in the words of the ever so famous Forrest Gump, "It Happens." I have been blessed with an amazing family who loves me, friends who care about me and a perspective that is eternal. I am shy at first and maybe a little bit after, too, but I hope no one confuses that for coldness, which sometimes does happen. I love being around people and learning from their lives.

My marching band, the Marching Utes, have a stupendous oppirtunity to go to THE presidential inauguration in about fifteen days to support our soon to be Commander and Chief Obama. Please go to and donate!

It will take me a few tries to get the hang of this blogging thing, but it'll catch on.

Reporting from UTA Front runner ... Have a lovely night.

An introduction

Every good story needs an introduction, wouldn't you say?

A beginning of procastination. How do you start that?
Easy I suppose...


to my life...

Dedicated to my family, my friends and my God. without them, this life would not have been possible. Literally...