Wednesday, December 19, 2012

for the college graduate...

The graduation portion of my life feels surreal.  In all actuality, most of my life seems surreal right now.  But...they tell me I've done it so I suppose I must believe them.

I have now been home from my mission for two years and one day.  I have graduated with my BMU in Instrumental Performance.  I have successfully learned that grades are really not all they are cracked up to be and relationships are more important than the world makes them out to be.  I have attended the temple regularly for two years, once a week, every week.  (or pretty close)  I have moved to the great city of Holladay (I still don't know how to spell it!) into a great apartment with three wonderful roommates.  What tender mercies in a time that I felt like I was getting no where fast!  Somehow, with all my missteps and wrong turns, Heavenly Father got me where I needed to be at this time, surrounded by people He knew I would need.

What now? says every college student ever including me.  I have many options, most of them good.  Or I could just run home, and spend my life in my families basement.  I suppose choosing between bad and good has never been a trouble for me.  It's the choosing between the good and the better that's the struggle.  Oh, and when "best" gets thrown into the mix, well that just may be too much.  I spend so much time consumed in concerns of which road will lead me to just the right place at just the right time and forget to get out of my own head and realize that there are bucket lists to be explored and people to care about and relaxing to be had.  

I am looking forward with anticipation to a life full of steps, maybe missed, and turns that might be wrong in order to do the best I can at learning and doing what I need to do to make a difference in the world like I want. The ability to create is phenomenal and this is the gift I would like to cultivate for the future.  I have goals to commence creation of music, better lives, smiles, happiness, testimony, conversion, families, and joy. What better use of my degree is there?