Monday, July 2, 2012

For the Inconsistent...

One thing I must learn is consistency. I consider my lack of consistency one of my biggest weaknesses and have pondered many times how one develops consistency. (If any of you faithful readers have an idea or two, I wouldn't mind.) You know what's funny? The other trait I consider to be my biggest weakeness? My unwillingness to look outside myself and stop focusing on the "I, Me, My, Myself, etc." of situations. In the end that could be a matter of consistency also if you think about it long enough. It's been three years since I have entered the glorious spiritual university that is called the MTC. How amazing it is that we can do so much with our lives and feel like we have come full circle.

For the married, soon to be married, or the hopefuls out there....

I can't figure out how to get a link so...I'm just gonna explain how to get there.
go to search by topic
click on relationships.
click on love with the spirit and with the understanding by Marlin K. Jensen

So this may be really molly mormonish of me, but I can't help but post something that made a strong impression upon me today.