Thursday, November 17, 2011

for the battles of mind and heart....

I am a piece of work... a work in progress... progressing towards perfection... perfection that only comes from an eternity made of moments... moments that matter most.

1- carving pumpkins after Halloween
2- Visiting dear friends and laughing from the diaphragm
3- Peace of mind
4- The cool breeze
5- Games with my sisters
6- Understanding 20th century homework
7- Days off from marching band
8- Muffled city busy-ness
9- Perspective
10- five dollar footlongs
11- Singing Opera at the top of my lungs in the car with two dear friends that have changed my life
12- Friends who care for me and would give me the shirt off their back if I needed it
13- Eating breakfast with my dad
14- The feeling of the seasons changing
15- Norwegian kickball and getting bowled over
16- Mormon messages
17- Christmas music
18- Play doh
19- Ice cream!
20- Much needed drives into the mountains

I feel as if my life is a busy signal...a dead line on the other end. The phone is off the hook, disconnected fog between what I thought I was and what I want to be. This may be the toughest, most exhausting, most trying battle of my life and I'm not even sure what side I'm fighting for or against. I know whose team I want to be on, but am I worthy to consider myself so? I know who wins in the end, but am I willing? Or rather, am I able?