Sunday, May 10, 2009

For mothers...

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there! Not that any mother's read my blog...but I tried. I don't know if anyone reads my blog...but again, I try.
Truly, mother's are amazing. I once babysat for four rambuncious boys, loved it but promised myself I would not do that again. At least for a few years. It is literally a full time job and I don't know how my mom managed to deal with even the first three of us so well. And after she lost 85 pounds, she has become my hero for sticking to her guns and exercising willpower to the extreme, something I have very little of. Being a mother is an all in one job, plus they have to go through labor, which honestly sounds like one of th emost painful things in the world. And yet, I still want to be a mother one day. I must be crazy? but everyone already knew that. In fact, I want a larger family, maybe four or five kids, maybe because that's how I was raised and I find sisters/siblings really fun, despite the arguments and fights. I just hope I can be a good mom, as good as my mom.
It's been a really good mother's day. I was going to go to church with Jessika but when I remembered it was mother's day I was torn. Both were good options. As I was thinking about it, the talk "Good, Better, Best" from Elder Scott(I think) popped into my head. I knew it was Best to stay home with mom for mother's day dinner and cake. Luckily Jessika understood. The cabin is going to be lots of fun time with Jessika. We leave this friday! Yay! It'll be purely awesome.
It was worth staying home. I finally got my topic for speaking. I have a few ideas but I'm not sure where I'll go with it. AND lunch/dinner was marvelous. Fresh Halibut fish with rice and jello and salad. Mmmmm... and my mom liked her present.
There is so much to do before I leave! But not really getting ready stuff. I have most of that done. It's more on the "final hangouts", things to do before I go list. Go to the Zoo, Go to the Aquarium, Go to the Planetarium, Go to Settebello's at least once more, go to my sister's first softball game(i'm so proud she is following in my footsteps, and the coach says she's a natural), take lots of pictures, go to jess's cabin, prepare my talk, pack, so much to do so little time! I'm sure I'll get it done.
Well, it is time for the season finale of the amazing race. Yay for family traditions!

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