Thursday, April 23, 2009

for bioengineers...

It's been quite the week so far, and it has flown by! I played in master class an tuesday which went swimmingly. Better then swimmingly in fact. Glidingly perhaps? In any case, I had fun and loved performing the first two movements of the Finzi five Bagatelle's. Everyone else did extrodinary as well and I fell in love with the sound of the clarinet all over again.
Wednesday was also quite specatcular. I had great classes, I understood Form and Analysis, wind ensemble is always a good thing and I got to spend an hour downtown taking pictures again. Wow, how I love photography! I want to explore it more once i return from my mission.
Today was JAM packed. I got up early to take my grandparents to the airport. My uncle is getting married this weekend over in Pennsylvania. How exciting! We've been hoping it would happen for a long time now. My uncle is following tomorrow, which means the house will be completely empty! Institute was particularly needed, especially for what portion of Ether we were on today. I love Brother Wilcox and his remarkable teaching skills.
My mom came and picked me up after piano and we headed off to the distrubution center. I'm going through the temple next saturday! I'm very excited. Not only is it the bountiful temple but many of my family members will be able to attend. =-D It was great to spend a few hours talking to my mom. I have been blessed with wonderful parents and a loving family. I don't know how I got to be so blessed, but I'm not going to complain about it!
Creative writing was next, which is always a good class, cept i forgot my assignments that i stayed up so late last night doing. That was a little frustrating. But derek was very understanding, and things will get worked out. Thank goodness for email!
Next came Karyn! Oh How i love and miss her. She came down to surprise her boyfriend and to see me. It wasn't the normal "hanging out" as we spent all evening at a Medical Bioengineering symposium at the WEB building on campus. As dull as some may find it, I LOVED it. It was completely out of my element, and though I had a hard time connecting at times, and some things just went completely over my head, there were some things that i just couldn't stop asking questions about.
For instance, did you know that venom from poisnous animals are used very often in the production of drugs to help dieases by trageting only the mutant cells that might be causing it? One presentation discussed the advantages of using a slightly altered form of Cone Snail venom to fight very specific cells that cause neurological dieases in the Striatum(which controls fine motery skills and a few other things) completely elimnating parkinson's disease. I wondered if this kind of research could help people with the disease ASL, which my grandfather died from before I got a chance to know him on this earth. This was just one among many, many presentations that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was a whole new world (now that song is ny head! lame!) and I enjoyed exploring it. And meeting Karyn's boyfriend finally, that was good too.
finals are soon, but it feels strange to not feel as tight for time as I think I should be. I'm studying and working hard, but I feel like I'm missing something because..well idk, it just feels like there is something i'm missing. I shouldn't be this relaxed. I'm almost excited to be out of school, but only almost. I'll miss everyone.
Anyway, it's about time I made it to bed.


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