Tuesday, March 8, 2011

for spring break fever...

So I've learned some more things about myself being a nanny...

* How to make butterflies out of colored paper and colored popsicle sticks
* I know how to say no
* I actually ENJOY cooking, but do NOT enjoy following recipes
* "Up" never gets old ("squirrel!")
* Sometimes, sitting down isn't an option. Once you try, you will inevitably be up again in about 30 seconds
* I'm really bad at checkers
* I have an obsession with clean counters and sinks
* It's amazing how fast maternal instincts kick in when someone is sick
* There is nothing more rewarding than helping children grow and learn...I can understand why Heavenly Father's joy is seeing us progress.
* Take advantage of EVERY teaching oppirtunity

Just a few again...I really love my job. Days like today I wonder how I'll ever possibly be able to do this "mom" thing 24/7, but I adore my two girls. Samantha has been so sick and all she's wanted to do is sleep, cuddle and watch movies. Sarah and I have been playing battleship and I found out I'm just about as good at battleship as I am at checkers. Good times.

'Tis the season for marriage I suppose. I was able to see one of my best friends be married for time and eternity in the temple this past thursday. That was probably a life changing moment, and not just for her. I know that's where joy comes. Eternal families. And to be honest with you, I don't know if I knew that before. I believed it. I knew others knew it. I have felt it. But this was different. Three more of my friends are being married on saturday and several others are engaged or soon to be engaged.

And then there is me... I'm doing something wrong. There is this guy, but wow do I dread getting my hopes up ever again, which might put a damper on things. I don't know about this whole dating thing... Arranged marriage is looking more and more like a great idea.

I'm heading to Phoenix with Samantha Williams (I still have troubles calling her just Samantha) and JessiKa! I'm fairly certain only Samantha williams understands the excitment of seeing New River again and setting up dinner appointments and meetings just like old times! Only four more days!!! Look out AZ!

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